Saturday, December 10, 2005

Decisions, decisions

I have 8 minutes and nothing to say--perfect time for a post.

I'm not going home for Christmas this year, and it's more than a little sad to me, especially as the time draws near. My first Christmas not to go home, not to wake up to stockings and presents and the smiling faces of my beloved family. It's not something I can gripe and complain about, though, considering I am completely capable of going home but have just chosen not to.

Here's a brief run-down of my reasons for skipping out on family Christmas this year: A) I live in eastern Asia, probably the only time I will do so in my life, so I need to make use of holidays for travel in this part of the world, B) it costs a lot of money to fly back to the States during Christmas time, C) I hate LAX, D) I went back last year and gave fair warning to everyone that this year--2005--I would most likely do something foolish like run off to Thailand at the end of December. There it is. There it is, written out for all the world to see, the reasoning that will keep me from spending Christmas at home this year.

So I am truly sad to miss out, and I want my family to know (those of you that know how to use the internet) that I love you and will miss you this Christmas. And to top it all off, I'm not even sending any presents! But worry not, when I come home "for good" (at some undisclosed future date), I plan to bring lots of goodies.

That said, I'm content with my decision to go to Thailand. I could really use some tropical weather right now.

Grace and peace!


Blogger JODAD said...

We will miss you! It's easier to accept you being "out of pocket" by thinking that after you've gotten a few "life experiences" behind you, you will be there for future Christmases. We will take plenty of pictures; I hope you will as well. Maybe this time we will get to actually see some of those great pictures you have been taking...

9:55 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

have fun buddy. take lots of pictures =)

1:41 PM  
Blogger NandL said...

And speaking of your pictures... Why don't you post them here?!? Then the whole world can SEE what you're DOing rather than just read about it. Though I must admit that the read is an interesting one... :D
Laura H...
And if ya got time, check out OUR pics!!

7:49 PM  

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