Sunday, February 18, 2007

Am I strong enough? Am I smart enough?

On Wednesday nights, our church is regularly blessed with a large influx of underprivileged kids from our surrounding neighborhood. Last week, as I was sitting at a table with some of these kids, one of them mentioned how she was now attending RAC, which is apparently some sort of local remedial school. Neither I nor my fellow "adults" (2 college students) knew about RAC at that time, though, so I asked the girl what it was. To my question another girl (4th grader?) responded incredulously: "You don't know what RAC is?! Do you know ANYTHING?"

I of course laughed my head off. On the one hand, graduate school has done an admirable job of showing me just how little I know. On the other hand, having a 4th grader insinuate that I am devoid of any worthwhile knowledge is just funny. I guess in her world theology, Greek, and history just aren't especially apropos. But I went ahead and told her I do know a thing or two anyway. After all, I can drive, ride a bike, throw a ball, run and jump, tie my shoes, play some instruments, read, skip while chewing bubble gum... The list goes on: I'm quite impressive, I'll have you know.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A (Valentine's) Day in the Life

As a means of giving you unconscionable voyeurs (jk) better access to the inner-most depths of my being, I will attempt to paint for you the contours of my Valentine's Day, and by that, I mean today. Please note: This is more of an impressionistic painting than a chronological narrative of my day. Please read accordingly.

Bitterly cold, gusting winds, half-hearted, playless snow,
and miles to go.
A text to sister2, later call to Mom, facebook greet my sister oldest, and (conveniently late) birthday card to sister young.

Facile essay finished, nothing school-wise left to do, friendly emails waiting. Still, I them do eschew.

Camped in warm and bookish co-coon, pondering life and means and ends.
Questions big and small enough, finding me and friendly nudging move.
Shall I wrestle homeless homeward? Give my life like Theresa great?
Or departing fortress-library, flip my collar and buy a smoothie?

But plans tonight, still hard scheming: Bible class with college kids.
Bring cards and candy for out-dolement. Small bit of warmth in bitter cold.
But then, I wonder, what be doing? after church-song is done.
If still emails I eschewing, perhaps a film, a book (no sun).

Future waiting, not foreboding, playfully usual, near, and tame.
Nearest plans are not emerging while sit, compose this blog most lame.

So I'll leave and find my windward, buying this and that, and thus:
Thereby making, winning, quaking one more day--today--well done.

Well, that's all I have to say about that. All in all, not a bad day. Not a bad day at all. I don't know the precise rhythms and motions when joy and contentment meet and dance. Who leads, who follows, how long they wait. But I hope this message finds you somewhere on that floor. And however you define it, I hope this Valentine's Day has been a joy and a success. And in that order too. (smiley face here) God bless!