Monday, July 11, 2005


Some of you will be filled with immense joy, some of you will ridicule, and some of you will probably just snicker and click the little "x" in the top right corner of the screen, but: We foreigners here in Mito, Japan, have got ourselves a little book club.

Yep, that's right. We meet every other week, typically at the home of Mark and Kelly Barneche. We've only been meeting a few months, but we've already gone from philosophy to culture to this week's book on psychology/sociology/life-in-general. I think everyone who has gone has enjoyed it quite a lot, and the discussion is about as good as any college class I've ever attended (and that's pretty good). In fact, I need to hurry up and write this post so I can get over there--tonight's the night!

That being said, I have gone ahead and decided to play along with Gabe's crazy game of blogosphere spam. It's all about books.

1. How many books have I owned?
I probably own about 300 right now, plus however many I bought and returned in college--so low-300s or so.

2. What was the last book you bought?
Tough question. First of all, I already feel inferior to Gabe for not even having my books catalogued, much less insured. And now here I've gotta go and, because I'm short on time, start typing out titles on my blog without providing hyperlinks--how can I bear this shame!!!!
Now, to answer the question: I have advance-purchased Harry Potter 6 and C.S. Lewis' A Grief Observed. If those don't count, then you'd better put me down for Pilgrim's Progress, which I bought last year!!! (December 31st)

3. What was the last book you read?
The last book I finished was Shogun by James Clavell. Before that, it was some crazy book written by this crazy Japanese author. Currently, I am reading Bonhoeffer's Ethics, Augustine's Confessions, Les Miserables, and our book club's latest venture, Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (and I'm not even joking about that last name).

4. What are FIVE books that have meant a lot to you?
It's okay if these are books I've written, right? jk

1) The Collected Works of C.S. Lewis
2) The Brother's Karamazov by Dostoyevsky (it's second on Gabe's blog too--just call me Mr. Solidarity)
3) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Covey (the worst thing about this book is the title)
4) The Scarlet Letter
5) (I won't write this book on my blog. Ask me in person if you want to know.)

5. Tag five people who haven't played yet:
Sorry, I just don't play that way...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did snicker.


8:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't lie, I feel very proud that I can say I have read many of the books on your book list. I just read Shogun this summer while frolicking around Europe...what'd you think of it? Still working on The Brothers Karamazov. It's sitting on my nightstand right now taunting me.
Side note...saw the pics from Nikko the other day and was super jealous that I wasnt there. Had myself a good old fashioned pout on my sis-in-laws couch. :)

12:04 PM  

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